Saturday 25 May 2024

Block Island to Newport

Hi everyone,

Yesterday afternoon we sailed from Block Island to Newport.  The 25nm passage was half motoring and half sailing.  Sailing into Newport was pretty cool.  Quite a few boats out on the harbour, including a couple of very pretty schooners.

OCC sv Henry in the early morning Newport fog

Yesterday morning the thunderstorms looked impressive on the Weather Radar web page.  Happily we didn't cop a bad one but did get heavy rain for a while and wind gusts up to 30 knots.

Weather Radar showing thunderstorms

Rain at anchor in the Great Salt Pond

Sky clearing

By early afternoon the weather was clearing so we decided to push on to Newport.  Initially winds were light and the sea sloppy.  But the wind filled in and the slop decayed to allow a nice beam-broad reach.

Here are the usual plots...




Approaching Newport

Fort Adams

We anchored off the Ida Lewis Yacht Club alongside another OCC sv Henry with OCC sv Onset also in the anchorage.  That made five OCC yachts including our new friends on sv Voyager, who we met at Block Island, and us.

Newport sunset

OCC sv Voyager with Zen Again in the background

We're looking forward to spending a few days exploring Newport.  The weather outlook is uncertain with the models not agreeing.  No worries - there's plenty to see here!

Trust all's well where you are.

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