Wednesday 15 May 2024

Port Washington to Port Jefferson

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we had a great sail 38nm E from Port Washington to Port Jefferson.  We had W-SW 10G15, which veered SSW 15G20 for the last hour or so.

Sailing on Long Island Sound

We gybed down the Sound to keep up the apparent wind.  Zen Again loved it.  The tidal currents on the Sound are generally less than 1 knot in its eastern, wider parts.

Here are the usual plots...




On the evening prior we had our first induction-cooked dinner.  In Port Washington we found an ideal pan for our hob and set it to work.  Saved gas and condensation, and tasted great!

Cookin' with a KiloWatt


Before departing Port Washington we stopped off at Capri Marina's fuel dock.  It appears to have 0.25m more water depth than charted.  We had 0.3m under us at low tide.

Fuel Dock

Departing Port Washington


Barge/Tug Traffic

Soaking up some sun (the air is chilly)

Approaching Port Jefferson channel

Anchored off Tinker Bluff

The anchorage at Tinker Bluff is well clear of moorings.  The shore is quite steep-to so there's only a narrow band for anchoring.  We anchored in 3m over chart datum in mud.

We're not staying in Port Jefferson for long.  It has a poor reputation with many yachties due to their charging for everything, including the dinghy dock.  Tomorrow we expect to push on to Essex on the Connecticut River.  Winds are supposed to be similar.  Dream On!

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