Friday 17 May 2024

Port Jefferson to Essex

Hi everyone,

After overnighting at Port Jefferson we pushed on the nearly 50nm to Essex, Connecticut.  The weather was supposed to be unchanged but delivered much lighter winds.  We motored most of the passage.

Anchored on the Connecticut River

Here are the usual plots...


Arrival Track


The anchorage at Port Jefferson was good.  A little rolly when ferries came past but otherwise fine.  There's a better protected anchorage off the main harbour in Port Misery.  Didn't fancy it!

Port Jefferson Sunset

We had tidal current with us for the first few hours but most of the passage was into the rising tide with a current of about 1 knot.  On arrival the last of the flood helped us up the river to Essex.  We were lucky to have a flood since after rain the freshet overwhelms it.

Light marking the Connecticut 

There are two bridges on the lower Connecticut River.  One is a bascule railway bridge.  It appears to lift on request and stay up until a train is approaching.  Beyond it there's a fixed 81' (24.6m) clearance road bridge.

Along the riverside we saw plenty of bird life, including (we think) Bald Eagles.  We had to keep a close lookout for logs floating down river after a nearly sunken log came past.

View W from anchorage towards Essex

View W from dinghy towards Essex

Museum and historic ship

Essex YC

Visitors can use the Essex YC dinghy dock beyond their fleet of 19' keelboats.  With permission the showers and clubhouse can also be used.  It's a very friendly club.  We were introduced by Bob the local OCC Port Officer who is also President of the Salty Dawgs.

Since arriving we've been dinghying ashore daily to the club and to explore Essex village.  The village is historic, pristine and very pretty.

Lovely church

Very green park

Main Street

Toy Shop!

Tea & Coffee Shop

Definitely our favourite place in Essex is the "Gris", aka the Griswold Inn, established 1776.  It is famous for its Monday night sea shanty session with the Jovial Crew which we hope to see next week.  There seems to be live piano music each afternoon too.

The Griswold Inn

Inside the Gris Tap Room

Enjoying a pint of the Gris's own Federation Ale

Our second night here saw a front pass over.  It delivered 30 knot gusts and over 1"/25mm of rain.  The freshet from the rain has prevented the flood tide reaching us for two days.

Given the friendly welcome, excellent anchorage and historic village, Essex is certainly worth a visit.

Pretty houses and gardens

We'll be staying here until next week due to persistent easterly winds.  There's a stream of lows coming off the coast S of us.  Hopefully they'll either stop or move north over the coming weeks to give us the prevailing SW winds summer promises.  Mid-week next week we should have W-S winds for a few days which should get us to the Newport via Block Island.

Trust all's well where you are!

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