Tuesday 20 August 2024


Hi everyone,

We've now been in Flores for five days.  The first three were spent cleaning up Zen Again after our passage from St Pierre and reorganising for warm weather cruising.  We reprovisioned, rewatered, refilled the diesel tanks from jerries, cleaned on deck and below, and serviced the engine.  The Club Navale's a great spot for an evening beer.

Exploring Flores

We spent day four exploring the local town of Lajes.  It's a short walk up a steep hill.  There's an impressive small church, a nice park, several small supermarkets, a hardware store, an ATM and several restaurants.  A neat and tidy little town.

Lajes Harbour

Lajes Church

Westernmost town in Europe

Pastel de Nata!

On day five we took an all-day tour of the island with Mystic Tours.  What a spectacular island this is.  We'll let the photos do the talking...

North coast with Corvo in the distance

North coast

Moss on the upper hill slopes


Invasive ginger plants everywhere

Lakes in the clouds

Lakes in the sun

South coast volcanic 'beach'

Heading for the south coast waterfall

Waterfall with swimming pool

Up the track to the waterfalls


Spectacular waterfalls and lake

West coast

Back at the lakes

South coast

We're so glad we stopped in Flores.  We hope the other Azores islands prove to be equally spectacular!

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