Thursday 8 August 2024

St Pierre Outbound Day 3

Hi everyone,
At 1200 today we were at 43 34N 048 37W steering 150M, motoring at 4.5 knots. It was overcast with passing low drizzle showers. The wind was 4G8 from the NE. Our noon to noon run by the log was 107nm.

Yesterday afternoon we had a little sunshine as we sailed SSE in a nice WSW 15G20 breeze. The clouds gradually built to windward and the wind backed to the SSW. We were clearly in for a squall so we furled the yankee and unrolled the staysail. Good decision as we had gusts to 36 knots. Zen Again was very comfortable under double-reefed main and staysail as the building thunderstorm dumped a lot of rain on us. Once past us we saw it producing a lot of lightning so we were lucky.

Overnight we had a couple more rainstorms, thankfully none with lightning. By 0300 we were back to the yankee and the wind and rain were decreasing. At 0630 the engine went on as the sails were slatting in the swell.

The motoring gave us an opportunity to have our first wash in nearly 3 days. That was good. We spent an hour chatting since when sailing we rarely get the chance.

Unsure how long we'll be motoring. We've turned further south since that's where the breeze should be. We're in a 'dead zone' between strong depressions to the N and the Bermuda/Azores high to the S.

We're now off soundings, having left the Grand Banks behind us at around 0500. Little current on the Banks but now we're getting into the Gulf Stream and its eddies.

Trust all's well where you are.

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