Tuesday 6 August 2024

St Pierre Outbound Day 1

Hi everyone,
At 1200 today we were at 45 38N 053 45W steering 140M, beam reaching under double-reefed main and double-furled yankee at 5 knots. It was overcast with fog. The wind was 13G18 from the SW. Our noon to noon run by the log was 114nm.

We departed St Pierre at 1130 yesterday in thick fog. We motored out of the harbour, hoisted the main and motor-sailed E in a very light S wind. As we cleared the lee of the island the wind slowly filled in and we shutdown the engine at 1230. All afternoon we close-reached SE through thick fog in gradually increasing wind, reducing sail in stages. By morning the wind had veered to the SW allowing us to beam reach. We've had two periods with winds of 20G25, otherwsie its been 12G18.

The seas are about 2m, short and lumpy. Not the nicest ride. Sailing through the fog at night was interesting. There was 'mizzle' on the air which deposited itself on all windward surfaces, including the crew if we emerged from the shelter of the dodger. It would have been miserable if we were broad reaching. Thankfully the mizzle stopped this morning.

We're still over the Grand Banks and will be for another day or two. We're heading south of the rhumb line to ensure we stay on the S side of any lows which may come through. Basically we're riding the N side of the Bermuda-Azores High. Hopefully once we clear the Banks we'll have current with us as well as wind, and maybe the sun will come out!

Trust all's well where you are.

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