Thursday 1 August 2024


Hi everyone,

After three wonderful days in La Hune Bay it was time to move on.  We motored the 20nm to Francois (pronounced "France Ways") in calm conditions.  Just before we left a seal visited to inspect our hull.  After over 1600nm from Virginia the hull is super-clean.  Gotta love cold water with the occasional period in brackish water.

Zen Again at Francois

Here is our track...


Francois is a picturesque Newfoundland 'outport'.  Sadly it has only about 50 permanent residents these days, down from several hundred a decade ago.  A ferry stays here overnight and visits neighbouring ports daily.  The YouTube channel 'Sailing Uma' visited the town a few years ago a little later in the season when ex-Francois folk return to the town for a reunion.  Their video is well worth a look.

Floating jetty from ashore

View across the bay from town

Colourful boats

We walked around the town, chatting to some of the very friendly locals.  Then we walked up a trail to the town reservoir/lake where there are great views down to the town and over the bay.

Nic on a rock

View towards town from the lake/reservoir

Reservoir (aka the swimming pool)

Preparing for this year's reunion

Sadly our time in Francois was curtailed due to a good weather window to sail SSE to St Pierre.  We stayed only one night before moving on.

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