Monday 9 September 2024

Angra to Ponta Delgada

Hi everyone,

We had a great 95nm sail from Anga do Heroismo on Terciera island to Ponta Delgada on Sao Miguel island.  It was supposed to be an overnighter but we had more wind than anticipated so arrived in the dark at 0215.  The fact we had a big cruising boat to chase may have been part of the equation!

Sao Miguel ahead

Here are the usual plots...




We departed 1nm behind Moody 44 sv Metzi and finished 4nm behind.  The wind was sufficient to get Zen Again powered up, but not quite enough for Metzi.  Always fun to snap at the heels of a bigger boat.  The wind was initially on the beam, occasionally a little broader and becoming a close reach as we approached Sao Miguel.

Winds were 12-15G16-24 all the way to Sao Miguel.  A small trough came through with light rain and more wind, but otherwise it was champagne sailing.  The wind gradually died in the lee of Sao Miguel so we motored the last few miles.  The crew of Metzi were waiting to take our lines on arrival - very nice considering it was 0215 - thanks guys!

Into the blue


Alongside sv Metzi in Ponta Delgada

Now to explore the biggest island in the Azores.

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