Monday 9 September 2024


Hi everyone,

We spent four nights in Angra do Heroismo on Terceira island.  We had a busy time exploring the island in company with the OCC Macaronesia Cruisers.


We stayed in the marina on the newest jetty.  Very modern but most open to surge, and there was a lot of snatching despite little swell outside.  The anchorage was very rolly.  We were all together on this jetty which made it very social.  OCC Port Officer Siggi was on hand for each boat's arrival and immediately set to work showing us the island.

Photon Infinity, Zen Again, Metzi & Caballito de Mar
in Angra Marina

We'd arrived after a full-on daysail bashing to windward (see preceding post) so day 1 was a lay-day.  After cleaning up the boat we had a look around town.  Angra is a typical Portuguese town - very pretty with patterned stone sidewalks, colourful buildings and colourful flowers along the streets.  That evening we had a 'pontoon party' then walked to the Club Navale for drinks & snacks.  We dressed up with our kamikazi headbands.

Angra waterfront

Vasco de Gama stepping ashore

Colourful park

OCC Macaronesia Cruisers

On day 2 we did a full day tour of the island.  We visited Monte Brasil, several viewpoints, the famous Galantas restaurant for lunch, Praia de Vitoria, Algar do Carvao cave and the Fumaroles thermal vents.

King Alfonso VI looks over the harbour

Sunny coastal scene

Broody coastal scene


Very large caldera

Lunch at Galantas

Descending into Algar do Carvao

View to the top

Lake at the bottom

The crew at the Fumerols

On day 3 we visited the pilot Geothermal Station on the island.  Interesting place.  That evening we had a wonderful dinner after sundowners on Siggi's boat.

Geothermal plant


It was a short stay in Terceira but we saw a lot of the island.  Siggi did an awesome job arranging everything for us all.

Trust all's well where you are.

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