Tuesday 24 September 2024

Porto Santo to Ensenada da Abra

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we sailed the 30nm from Porto Santo to the bay on the S side of the E end of Madeira.  We departed at 1330 following our long morning walk (see preceding post).

Anchored at Ensenada da Abra

Here are the usual plots...




We sailed south under full sail on a nice broad reach but the wind was gradually dying.  After gybing our ETA was an hour after sunset so the engine came on to get pull that back.  We motor-sailed in at 7 knots and arrived at sunset.

Farewell Porto Santo

Spectacular sunset approach to Madeira

Approaching the anchorage.

Ensenada da Abra is a great anchorage with good holding in sand.  The surrounding hills are spectacular, especially in the sunrise and sunset light.  The rocks vary from sandstone to volcanic.  Top spot.

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