Tuesday 17 September 2024

Porto Santo Inbound Day 2

Hi everyone,
At 1200 today we were at 33 07N 016 42W steering 125M, motoring at 5 knots. The motor came on at 1140 when the slatting of the sails became too regular and too violent. Overcast sky clearing. The wind was 7G11 from the N - on our quarter. Our noon to noon run by the log was 114nm. 22nm to run to Porto Santo.

Yesterday afternoon we continued close reaching to close the rhumb line. The wind ever so slowly backed. By mid-afternoon the sun had appeared and it was lovely sailing conditions with the apparent wind on the beam.

Overnight the wind continued to slowly back. Sadly it also eased which left us rolling and the sails slatting in the 0.5m left-over swell & sea. The main slats less violently when reefed so we changed from full main and single-furled yankee to single-reefed main and full yankee. That allowed us to keep sailing with speed varying between 3 and 5 knots. The evening was spectacular with a full moon and scattered cloud. By the early hours the sky was overcast again.

Soon after dawn the wind filled in enough for us to shake out the reef without any slatting. Our speed increased to 4-6 knots. By dawn we could see Madeira broad on our starboard bow and Porto Santo fine on our port bow. We spent the morning quietly sailing towards the channel between the islands.

Trust all's well where you are.

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