Wednesday 4 September 2024

Velas to Angra

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we day-sailed from Velas on Sao Jorge island to Angra do Heroismo on Terceira island.  It was 51nm by the route but sadly the wind was on the nose between the islands.  Our track and log agreed on 65nm for the passage.

Zen Again and Photon Infinity in Angra
(guess who won that race!)

We departed before dawn.  Leaving the marina was an adventure since the channels between pontoons are narrow.  Three of the cruise boats were on the same pontoon and had to leave in sequence to make room for the next to get out.  Once out we had a nice sail along the south coast of Sao Jorge in the NE 12G20 breeze on a flat sea.

Here are the usual plots...




Seas were confused as we passed the E cape - very sloppy.  We choose to stand on to the ESE, prompting several crews on other cruise boats to wonder if we were heading for Sao Miguel, the next island on our cruise after Terceira.  But doing so kept us out of the lee of Terceira which caused some of the boats to motor much of the way there.  We ended up motoring for the last 6nm only.

It was a wet passage between the islands with Zen Again burying her bow regularly.  We had to keep her 'full & by' - in footing vice pointing mode - for her to punch through the seas.  Hence the nasty tacking angles.

Sailing along the S coast of Sao Jorge

Terceira ahead, with birds

Near-sunset view of SW coast of Terceira

Approaching Angra Port

Approaching our pen, with many line handlers waiting

So we were tail-end charlie into Angra, but had only motored for two hours.  Our average speed (and SoG) was 5 knots - pretty good for us.  We suspect Photon Infinity sailed all the way averaging 7 knots - the benefit of 40 years technology advancement in racy boats.  Good effort nonetheless!

Looking forward to exploring Terceira with the OCC cruisers, assisted by OCC PO Siggi.

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