Saturday 15 June 2024

Devil Island

Hi everyone,

We've been anchored between Devil and Bold Islands for three nights now, about 200m from Hell's Half Acre 'islet'.  It's a great anchorage with interesting beach-combing on the islet and dinghy rides around the nearby islands.

Anchorage from Hell's Half Acre

We had one day with sunny weather.  Otherwise it's been cloudy, rainy and/or windy.  On the sunny day we the dinghy ashore to Hell's Half Acre.  It's a rocky islet with sea weed covered boulders and small beaches of crushed shells.  The 'islet' is actually linked to Bold Island by a sand bar which only uncovers at low tide.

Beach & Boulder

Low Tide 'bridge' to Bold Island

View from Bold Island

Zen Again in anchorage

The boulders above the high water mark are covered in lichen of varying colour.  The rock surfaces are intricate.

Boulder Surface

Beach of Shells

From Hell's Half Acre we dinghied anti-clockwise around the unnamed island to the W of Hell's Half Acre.  There are shallow ledges and isolated bombies all around it.  Many of the latter are covered in kelp.  The channel between the unnamed island and Devil Island is shallow.  At low water the current was producing a natural weir, indicating very shallow water.  That led to us retracing our steps to avoid grounding our nice new dinghy on the broken shelly bottom.  The anchorage itself has a muddy bottom.


Kelp-covered Bombie

This anchorage is the first place in Maine where we've found lobster fishermen leaving long lengths of floating line on their pots.  Everywhere else the floats have been 'nodding' - pulled down by their lines.  Many have toggles which go under as the tide rises.  Others with toggles don't, but they're usually easy to identify with their pair float.

Lobster Pot with 50m line on the surface

There are two moorings in the anchorage.  Neither appear well maintained.  One has become an impressive kelp forest.  Pity they limit the anchorage space and aren't maintained.  There are also a few lobster pots in the anchorage but they are well set.

We spent the rest of our time at Devil Island working on Zen Again's to-do list.  Each evening the sunset was impressive.  And twilight saw the seagulls and terns feeding all around us.  There appears to be resident dolphin too.

20G30 wind, but flat water

Sunset Day 2

Sunset Day 3

Trust all's well where you are.

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