Friday 28 June 2024

Carter's Beach to Lunenburg

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we sailed from Carter's Beach to Lunenburg.  It was a great sail, more than making up for the miserable motor to Carter's Beach in thick fog.  It was a 40nm passage mostly in sunshine with a good sailing breeze.  We again sailed in company with Falklands OCC sv Kelper.

Morning Departure

Here are the usual plots...




We departed at about 0630, motoring out of the lee of the land before setting sail.  We had full sail set on a broad reach.  The breeze gradually increased and we furled the yankee in steps.  We eventually gybed N towards Lunenburg.  We put a reef in as we rounded the headland at the S end of Rose Bay.  By then the wind was 24G28 and Zen Again was flying.

Crossing sv Kelper's stern

We anchored immediately E of the mooring field in the harbour.  For several hours it was a little rolly as the S wind outside the harbour gusted to 30 knots.  But the temperature had risen dramatically to 22C!  Happily the wind died down during the evening.

Anchored in Lunenburg

Lunenburg is a pretty looking town.  It is home of the famous schooner Bluenose II which we can see in her dock.  Looking forward to exploring the town!

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