Friday 28 June 2024

Shelburne to Carter's Beach

Hi everyone,

We had a miserable 40nm passage from Shelburne to Carter's Beach.  The wind had moderated, but as we cleared the Shelburne channel we discovered the swell had not.  We sailed for about an hour then gave up as the sails were slatting in the light apparent wind and uncomfortable swell.  And then the fog closed in!

We sailed in loose company with Falklands OCC sv Kelper.  They too didn't enjoy the passage.

Here are the usual plots...




The swell was 2m+, quite short and on the quarter, making for a rolly ride.  The water temperature was 7C and the air 11C.  And just to add a little fun it rained through the fog.  It was a good test of our new wet weather gear.

Into the fog

Carter's Beach emerging from the fog

On arrival we anchored W of Carter's Island in 6m over rock with sand patches.  It was impossible to see the bottom due to the low light in the fog.  It took a little work to get the anchor set.  In the evening the fog lifted and we could see the bottom easily.

Fog lifting that night

Broody Carter's Island

Sunny Carter's Island

The next day the weather improved and happily winds were light so the anchor's set wasn't tested.

One nice thing about Carter's Beach is the clear water.  It'd be nice to swim in if it weren't 7C.  We dipped a camera to have a look at the hull and the PropSpeed-treated propellor.  All amazingly clean.

Carter's Beach would be a nice stop in sunny weather.

Sunset at Carter's Beach

Trust all's well where you are!

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