Friday 7 June 2024

Tenants Harbor to Rockland

Hi everyone,

This morning we motored the 15nm to Rockland over a glassed out sea through thick fog.  Navigating the fog seemed preferable to fog and rain which is what we have this afternoon.  And weather's forecast to deteriorate further tomorrow.

Buoy to Buoy

The sun rose with a clear sky.  Sadly that didn't last long.  Fog rolled in rapidly.  We delayed only to watch the totally awesome blast off and soft splashdown of Starship's test #4.


Into the Fog

This is the first time we've used our radar for an extended period.  It clearly showed the navigation markers and several AIS-less vessels.  The bells on the nav marks are very helpful too.  Visibility was down to 50m at times.  Definitely a situation to employ ALL aids to navigation full-time - including both pairs of Mk1 eyeballs.  I had to wipe my glasses every 5 minutes to rid them of condensing droplets of water!

Chartplotter and Radar

One Watchkeeper

Dual Watchkeepers

Into Rockland


We had previously discovered a free (and available) mooring offered by OCC member James.  He kindly allowed us to use it.  Thanks James!

We're meeting tomorrow with OCC friends Christine and Brad.  We last met them in the Azores in 2016, and last saw their boat when our paths crossed in Scotland in 2018.  They've been kindly collecting parcels for us over the last two weeks.

Trust all's well where you are!

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