Monday 10 June 2024

Rockland and Pulpit Harbor

Hi everyone,

We stayed in Rockland for three nights.  Weather was foggy and/or rainy.  We used an OCC mooring - thanks James!

Zen Again in Rockland

We spent Friday with Brad and Christine - our OCC friends met in the Azores in 2016.  They live in Maine and drove us to Rockport, Camden and Belfast north of Rockland.  Thanks guys!

Camden Schooners

More Camden Classics

Belfast's Front StreetShipyard
(with biggest travel-lift we've ever seen)



Back in Rockland we spent yesterday rewatering, shopping and laundering.  And we met local sailors Ginny and Rob of sv Rhapsody for lunch.  They found us on NoForeignLand.  A thunderstorm came through in the afternoon delivering 40 knot gusts and small hail.

Fog-free view of Rockland

Public Dock in Rockland

Thunderstorm in Rockland

This morning we departed Rockland for Pulpit Harbor.  We didn't judge the weather well and it turned into a damp 10nm motor.  But on arrival we picked up another OCC mooring - thanks Ann & Ernie!

Here are the usual plots...




And a few pictures in the rain...

Departing Rockland past USCG Cutter at anchor

Approaching Pulpit Harbor in the rain

Passing the rocky entrance

After arriving in steady rain it gradually ceased and the clouds lifted.  Right now the grey shoreline is gradually filling with colour as the sun comes out.  Looks like it's a pretty place!

View NW from Pulpit Hbr as the weather clears

Trust all's well where you are!

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