Thursday 13 June 2024

Seal Bay

Hi everyone,

We've spent two nights in Seal Bay on Vinalhaven Island.  Yesterday we explored the bay by dinghy at both high and low tides.  Lots of seals and magnificent scenery.

Maine - so good you see it twice!

Seal Bay offers all-round protection due to the zigzagging required to reach it.  The shallow bits around here are rock so care is required.  We arrived to an empty anchorage but were joined by three other yachts later in the day.  One of them was sv Rhapsody whose crew we met in Rockland.  We had a nice dinner aboard their yacht.  Thanks guys!

Seal Bay Sunset

Seal Bay Morning

Four Yachts At Anchor on Night 1

The next morning was calm and a perfect opportunity to replace our failed masthead light.  The old one had lasted 10 years.  We'd tested it with the mast out in Deltaville but it failed a week later.  Happily we'd ordered a spare which arrived just before we left Deltaville.  We had also ordered a right-angle ratcheting driver to access the three small machine screws securing the light.  We collected that in Rockland.

With the right weather and tools replacing the unit was pretty simple.  Getting the machine screws started - since they screw up into the light, securing it to its mount - was the only iffy part of the job.  The light is a Weems & Plath OGM LX tricolour/anchor/strobe combination LED light.  Good kit.

Replacing the Masthead Light

At low tide we went for a first dinghy ride.  I haven't captioned most of the pictures below since they speak for themselves.  Spectacular scenery.

Don't try to cut this corner!

Unforgiving Rocks

There are plenty of seals in the bay.  One family group grimly remained on a nice warm rock as the rising tide gradually swallowed it.  It was amusing watching and hearing them bickering over the diminishing real-estate.

Seals Sunbaking

Seals Submerging

Seal on a Rock

At high tide we explored closer to the anchorage.  Lots of kelp on the rocks.  Mostly conifers ashore but a few deciduous trees too.

That evening we were alone in the anchorage.  We gave Zen Again's topsides a wash; removed, dried and stowed below the boom tent; started work on a canvas bag to hang under the dinghy seat; and realigned our Starlink Dishy now it's no longer articulating on startup.

Zen Again - Alone on Night 2

This morning we awoke to find ourselves in heavy fog.  Hopefully it'll lift to allow us to move on.

Next Morning - At Anchor in the Fog!

Trust all's well where you are!

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