Friday 7 June 2024

Provincetown to Tenants Harbor

Hi everyone,

We're in Maine.  Whodathunkit!  Our passage from Provincetown delivered 17 hours of sailing and 10 of motoring.  Not bad.

Tenants Harbor, ME

Here are the usual plots.  OpenCPN crashed halfway, losing our track.  So the first half is reconstructed from the route.  We actually curved ENE before gybing N.




We were farewelled from Cape Cod by a family of seals.  As we cleared away from the land a nice SE wind filled in.  We set full sail and were away.

Spot the seal


Sunset at 2015

We had a lovely overnight sail.  No moon - just an almost cloud-free sky and a panoply of stars.  Wind got up to 12G15 and Zen Again loved it, sitting on 6 knots.  Even with 8 knots of true/ground wind she was holding 5 knots boat speed.

Sunrise at 0455

By 0900 wind was down to 5 knots and boat speed to 3 knots.  To arrive in daylight we needed to motor.  Motoring through the Maine lobster pots at night didn't appeal.  We spotted a pair of whales, probably pilot whales, at a distance.  As we closed the coast we were on constant lookout for lobster pots.  Their density gradually increased, but didn't exceed what we've seen in Australia.  And at least their lines weren't lying along the surface for 100m as we've seen off Geraldton.

Spot the whales!

There's not much room to anchor in Tenants Harbor due to moorings.  But we did a brief tour anyway.  Looks like a pretty little town.  Then we proceeded into nearby Long Cove to anchor.  The Cove is a nice spot with all-round protection.  We anchored in 4m over clay with very good holding.

Approaching Tenants Hbr

Tenants Hbr

Entering Long Bay

Pleased to be in Maine

Good to be here!

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