Saturday 1 June 2024

Woods Hole to Provincetown

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we motored from Woods Hole to Provincetown via the Cape Cod Canal.  Winds were very light and the outlook was for more of the same.  So we 'bit the bullet' and motored.

Woods Hole Passage

Here are the usual plots...




The graphs show we had more than 4 knots of current with us through the Cape Cod Canal at times.  Plenty of whirlpools and overfalls in there!

Escaping Eel Pond proved a little more difficult than expected.  When we called the operator we were told the bridge was out of order.  After putting a bottle of Aussie red aboard sv Apogee as 'ransom' the bridge magically returned to operation.  Just a coincidence (we think)!

'Ransom' Paid

We went through Woods Hole Passage with the current and had about 2 knots with us.  At its peak it can reach 5 knots so care is required.  High speed ferries charge through on their way to and from Martha's Vineyard which adds to the fun.

High Speed Ferry

Just a little current

It was a mind-numbing motor to the Cape Cod Canal but at least it was sunny.  We entered the canal just as the current was turning E and rode it all the way through.  It rose from 0.5kt to 3kt+ within 20 minutes.  There are three bridges along the canal, each with over 130' clearance.

Lovely Schooner in the canal

Railway Bridge

One of two Road Bridges

Being 'flushed out' into Cape Cod Bay

The calm and sun continued as we motored across Cape Cod Bay.  The sea was glassed out for much of the time.

We followed OCC sv Morgane of Sark for much of the passage.  We last met them in the Caribbean in 2022.  It was good to have our paths cross here in Provincetown.

OCC sv Morgane of Sark

Sun setting over Provincetown

It appears winds will remain calm for several days, giving us plenty of time to explore the town.   One obvious attraction (visible above) is the 252' tall Pilgrim Monument granite tower.  It commemorates the first landing in the New World of the Mayflower Pilgrims.  And I'm sure there are pubs.

Trust all's well where you are.

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